You Can Make A Difference

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth…
but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven

Matthew 6:19-20

You Can Make A Difference

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth…
but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven

Matthew 6:19-20

Watch the InGrace Global Impact Video

When one person decides to truly store their treasures in heaven, their life becomes a beacon of light to all those around them. They begin to transform the lives of others through their faithfulness and generosity. God’s hand is upon them, and He promises to guide their efforts and reward their faithfulness.

Malachi 3:10 guarantees that the Lord will, open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” I truly believe that anyone who partners with InGrace will increase their circle of influence, store up more treasures in heaven, and partake of the great blessings promised in Malachi. 

Your contributions will go directly towards spreading the gospel and ensuring that another person has the opportunity to hear and receive that life-changing message. Even in the midst of uncertain times, InGrace remains committed to this cause, and your partnership is crucial in helping us continue to reach people around the world.

3 Ways to Partner with InGrace

Sustaining Partners

You will be a vital part of what the Lord is doing through InGrace. Your support provides the necessary funding to sustain the day-to-day core of our ministry, bringing stability, and enabling us to reach a lost world for Christ. By partnering with InGrace, you will play a crucial role in transforming lives and making a significant impact for the Kingdom of God.

Purpose Partners

Your generosity affirms to our Team that you are committed to helping people know and grow in Christ – and enjoy a life of true purpose.

Visionary Partners

You are an essential part of the lifechanging work to ensure that God’s truth continues until Christ returns. Your support goes far beyond the day-to-day expenses of running this ministry. Your generosity allows InGrace to expand it’s reach and continue to share the gospel message with people in our community and all over the world. Not only in this generation, but in the next to come!

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